Monday 2 March 2015

The story is of a boy that lived in the woods outside a large town, and is set back in time of the early 12th century, the story starts as the boy is looking down at the town from a large tree and can see the smoke rising as a large fire is approaching the town, the boy panics and trys to get to the town in time to warn them, how ever he fails and watches the town burn as he runs back to his house to try and protect what he can from the fire, he manages to get out by horse back and then found a travelling monk who traind him in piece and world knowledge, upon learning this he is then set on his own adventure to rebuild the town, but this time he will make it futuristic and able to fly. After many years of hard work he finally creates the town, and sets out to be the ruler of a new empire, then he meets the monk again, and realises that he in fact was the monk, and that he had imagined it all in his head, and that he was unlocking parts of his brain he didn't realise was there, with his new found knowledge he then created the first underground futuristic colony

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